Below is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions on dermal fillers.
1. What are dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are substances/gels injected beneath the skin’s surface to smooth wrinkles and add volume and contour. The products are composed of stabilised hyaluronic acid (HA) which occurs naturally in the cells of the skin. It works by drawing in water and therefore augmenting the skin, thus reducing the wrinkle treated. It is by no means permanent and is totally biodegradable. Depending on what type of dermal fillers, results can last between one to two years.
Dermal fillers are very safe and have been used for over a decade. The most popular brand of dermal filler has sold over 20 million syringes.
2. What areas can dermal fillers be used for?
Best Dermal Filler Areas The face loses volume and contour when we age, the bones and the soft tissue dissolve and contribute to the appearance of sagging. Dermal fillers may be used to replace this volume loss and restore the structural support, giving the patient a more youthful appearance. The aim is to make the face more harmonious and rejuvenated.
For instance, the lips may be injected to improve their shape, size, symmetry and proportion. The cheeks may be injected to make a face more defined and attractive. An underdeveloped chin may be injected to make it appear more projected and proportionate. The nose may be injected to improve the shape and its contour.
3. What does the procedure entail and is it painful?
It can be painful if the procedure is carried out by an injector who is not as skilled.
Generally, basic dermal filler procedures require no anaesthetic as the dermal filler contains local anaesthetic. It is simple and straightforward, involves a few tiny injections directly into the skin, and takes between 15–30 minutes. Make-up can be applied immediately after the procedure and you can go straight back to work. Results can be seen immediately. Optimal results can be maintained over a long period of time through regular repeated treatments. The procedure varies from person to person depending on your requirements and the severity of the wrinkles that are being treated, in addition to the particular dermal filler being administered.
4. How soon will I see any result and how long does it last?
Results are seen instantly after the treatment, although this gradually improves over the course of the following 2–4 weeks. Results can last between 9–18 months although optimal results can be maintained over a long period of time through regular repeated treatments. The longevity varies from person to person depending on your requirements and the severity of the wrinkles that are being treated, in addition to the particular dermal filler being administered.
5. Are dermal fillers safe?
Yes. We use only products with a proven safety record. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a substance which occurs naturally in the cells of the skin, thus there is no risk of allergic reactions. Even people with food sensitivities can receive these fillers safely. The brands of dermal fillers we use are available in more than 90 countries and have been used as an injectable cosmetic treatment for more than two decades with an excellent safety record.
6. What are the key benefits of having my treatments at Essence Medical?
We only use market-leading brands.
We will not compromise on our standards and use the highest grade of dermal fillers for more dramatic results with better lift and tissue support.
Consultation and treatment are personally undertaken by Our specialist who is an international speaker and trainer in advanced facial aesthetics procedures.
Virtually pain-free treatment — our specialist is an experienced doctor who uses anaesthetics to numb the area being treated for increased patient comfort.
Our specialist is well known for his methods of achieving beautiful yet incredibly natural cosmetic results with minimal pain, bruising and downtime.
We provide excellent post-treatment care.
Our specialist is often featured in numerous national and international magazines and newspapers.
7. Are there any side effects?
Today’s dermal fillers have come a long way since the first generation of collagen injections. Advanced injection techniques, coupled with the use of micro-cannula (blunt needle) and improved product safety means that significant side effects are extremely uncommon but may include:
Injection-related reactions: these reactions may include redness at the injection site immediately after the treatment.
Bruising: occasionally bruising can occur. However, the use of a micro-cannula (blunt needle) dramatically reduces the risk of bruising.
Contour irregularities can and do occasionally occur. Massaging can usually smooth out any ‘lumpiness’ however if persistent the filler can be easily and rapidly dissolved.
Infection:  as with all injections, this procedure carries a risk of infection. The syringe is sterile and standard precautions associated with injectable materials are taken.
Necrosis:  one of the worst possible complications of dermal filler. Fortunately, this is extremely rare. It happens when the dermal filler is accidentally injected into a blood vessel and it subsequently blocks the blood supply to the skin/tissue in that area.
Blindness:  This is a very rare complication. There have been approximately 100 cases in the world and is caused by injecting dermal filler into blood vessels that have a connection with the artery which supplies blood and oxygen to the eye. There is no treatment so far for this that has been successful.
8. Are there any after-care instructions?
After your treatment, we will again go through with you any aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits and avoid any undesirable side effects.
You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment.
As with any type of injection, there may be some slight redness immediately afterwards. Camouflage make up may be applied.
The results directly after the treatment should therefore not be seen as the final results. This is because over the following 2 weeks the results will gradually improve.
For 2 weeks after the treatment, you are advised to avoid extreme heat (sunbed or sunbathing) or intense cold.
9. How much does it cost?
Cost depends on the type of dermal filler, the amount of dermal filler is required and the areas of the face you wish to be treated (e.g. undereye hollow and cheeks). During the consultation, our specialist will formulate a treatment plan for you and advise the exact cost of your treatments. Our prices are competitive and your treatments will be carried out by an international expert. We believe our patients deserve the utmost safety in our care and we are committed to offering reliable, safe and effective results.